Dennise Chávez

Dennise Chávez


I'm a linguist and designer based in New York City. I'm also an avid reader and writer in my spare time. Translating has been a big part of my career since graduating college and I enjoy translating texts related to ancient history and mythology.

I'm passionate about ancient history because I've always been intrigued by the mystery, the beauty and the power of it. I believe that paying attention to it and being open to understanding it, is key to understanding ourselves as individuals and as a collective.


  • BA, European Languages at Universidad Vasco de Quiroga.


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English Original Language Translation Translator
Ancient Cyprus Spanish La antigua Chipre Dennise Chávez
The Graces Spanish Las Tres Gracias Dennise Chávez
Aphrodite Spanish Afrodita Dennise Chávez