Dhruva Narayan

Dhruva Narayan


Growing up in India’s Silicon Valley, exciting things were happening in the field of CS all around me. The atmosphere of technological innovation, along with my own fascination with the study of computers, made the choice of CS an easy one for me. René Descartes may have said “Cogito, ergo sum” - I think, therefore I am, my motto soon became, “Codeto ergo sum”!

Another of my passions is to read books or listen to podcasts and learn about the history and mythology of different peoples across the world from Central America to Persia. I am especially interested in the origin and development of languages. This has sparked in me an interest in picking up languages from the many people I meet. Growing up in a multicultural city like Bangalore made it possible for me to learn Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, and a little Telugu. I can also have basic conversations in Spanish and German. Like many people in this field, I am a huge fan of science fiction, my favorite being Star Wars.

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