My interest Classics and the Ancient World began and flourished during my Latin classes at school, and I decided that this was a passion to be pursued at University. Studying for my BA and MA at the University of Exeter, I found myself drawn increasingly to the study of ancient languages and literature, in particular Latin Imperial epic. This has been reflected in my undergraduate and masters' dissertations, as well as my current PhD project, entitled 'Lucanian Transformations: Civil War, Necromancy, and the Resurrection of Rome'. This project is generously supported by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. Outside of my main PhD research, I am also interested in Ancient Rhetoric, Greek Tragedy, The Classical ‘Hero’, The Classical Tradition in Late Antiquity, and Classical Receptions in Opera.
- University of Exeter, BA (Hons.) Classics (2.1) 2015
- University of Exeter, MA Classics and Ancient History (Distinction) 2016
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