Dr. John C. Horgan earned his B.A. in history and political science at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his M.A. in history at Marquette University and Doctor of Arts in Modern World History at St. John’s University in New York, New York. In addition to his service as an assistant professor of history at Concordia University-Wisconsin, he taught history at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Suffolk County Community College (New York) and the New School for Social Research (New York).
At Concordia he teaches courses in Western and American civilization, the Non-Western World, Modern Europe, France, Germany, America, and Africa while serving as the History Department's webmaster. In 2004 he presented a paper to the American Historical Association's annual meeting in Washington, D.C. on economic sanctions, American churches and South Africa. In 2007 his articles on French perspectives of the United States and international perspectives of U.S. environmental policy were published in Global Perspectives on the United States (Berkshire Publishing). In 2009, he contributed an article on natural and man-made disasters in Chinese history to the Encyclopedia on China (Berkshire Publishing). In 2011, Berkshire Publishing included his article on sustainability in Shanghai, China in its multi-volume work on Sustainability and the Environment. Most recently, he has contributed articles on Aesop's Fables, Justinian's Plague, Antonine Plague, the Plague at Athens, the Plague of Cyprian and Marcus Gavius Apicius to the Ancient History Encyclopedia. His on-going reading and research interests include civilian relief during World War I, plagues and diseases in world history and food history.
- Doctor of Arts in World History (St. John's University, New York)
- Master of Arts in History (Marquette University, Wisconsin
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