Leonardo Montagnolli

Leonardo Montagnolli


Hello everyone!

I am Leonardo Montagnolli, a professional English to Portuguese translator and proofreader from Brazil.

Since I was a kid, my passion for learning languages was always noticeable and I grew up knowing I would do something with that in my career. I studied for about 5 years in a famous English school in São Paulo called Cultura Inglesa, and it helped me a lot to learn English from cultural aspects.

When I turned 14 years old, my English proficiency was C1, and I was very interested at English literature. As the course also required the reading of an English book every semester, my writing skills were being effectively improved throughout the time and I was getting better grades in my essays.

In high school I was convinced about my career in translation, so when I finished it, I joined the mentorship Viver de Tradução 7.0, which was one of the best choices I have ever made in my life. Since then, I have been working professionally with technical translation from several fields, including history.

With a broad cultural knowledge in both languages and having writing as my strongest ability, I may translate up to 3,000 words a day and proofread over 5,000.


  • 2023 | Mentoria Viver de Tradução 7.0 - Mentorship for Translators
  • 2019 | Cultura Inglesa - English Culture Course


3,969 page views on this user's contributions


English Original Language Translation Translator
Mythology Portuguese Mitologia Leonardo Montagnolli
Aztec Sacrifice Portuguese Sacrifício Asteca Leonardo Montagnolli