Aurelia Zhang

Aurelia Zhang


Current high school student in the United States, Ancient Rome/Musicology enthusiast, physics nerd, Tetris novice, air rifle athlete, studying Italian.

I enjoy history/the humanities because they are especially effective in exploring intricate systems such as society and culture, where individual variables cannot be singled out. As someone also interested in physics, studying the humanities in depth brings me much joy because of the complex interactions between cultures across space and time, especially Ancient Rome as their long-lasting legacy is both a result and a catalyst of cultural synthesis.

It is the discovery of these subtle details, recurring themes weaved in the glorious historical narratives, that I treasure. When the Romans look back to the Greeks, they accept their ideas of civilization and consequently barbarism. Equally, when countless nations looked upon Ancient Rome’s civic ideals, they were, in the meantime, swayed by their vices. Learning more about History not only brings great insight into the foundations of our current perception of justice but is also a way for me to find the intersections of the various fields of study I enjoy.
