Sude Şengül

Sude Şengül


Born in 2004, I am living in Ankara, Turkiye. I’m studying English Language and Literature at Akdeniz University. I have always been really curious about languages and how they shape in each other’s company. I know Turkish, English and still working on my German. The topics that I’m most curious about are mythology and religion studies.


  • I finished my high school education at a local school, A.N.E.A.L. (2018-2022)
  • I am currently getting my graduate license in English Language and Literature at Akdeniz University. (2022-2026)


1,783 page views on this user's contributions


English Original Language Translation Translator
Oedipus the King Turkish Kral Oedipus Sude Şengül
Giants Turkish Devler Sude Şengül