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Judas Iscariot
Definition by Rebecca Denova

Judas Iscariot

Judas Iscariot was one of the original disciples of Jesus of Nazareth (d. c. 30 CE), one of the twelve apostles. For handing Jesus over to the authorities, as described in the gospels, he has become the epitome of the act of betrayal in the...
Hafez Shiraz
Definition by Joshua J. Mark

Hafez Shiraz

Hafez of Shiraz (also given as Hafiz, l. 1315-1390) is considered the greatest of the Persian poets and among the most famous and admired writers in world literature. He is among the most often translated poets in the present day and his...
Definition by Rebecca Denova


Ezekiel was both a priest and a prophet who lived in the 6th century BCE. The prophets of Israel were oracles (a term for a person as well as a place) for ways in which humans communicated with their gods. The oracle was possessed by the...
Ancient Persian Gods, Heroes, and Creatures - The Complete List
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Ancient Persian Gods, Heroes, and Creatures - The Complete List

The term 'mythology' comes from the Greek mythos (story-of-the-people) and logos (word or speech), meaning the spoken story of a people. Every civilization of the ancient world developed a belief system, which is characterized as 'mythology'...
Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Twelve Ancient Persian Mythological Creatures

The mythology of any civilization reflects its core values, greatest fears, and highest hopes and so it is with the mythology of ancient Persia. The great heroes like Karsasp, Thraetaona, and Rustum express particularly Persian values but...
Religion & Superstition in Colonial America
Article by Joshua J. Mark

Religion & Superstition in Colonial America

Religion and superstition went hand in hand in Colonial America, and one’s belief in the first confirmed the validity of the second. The colonists' worldview was completely informed by religion and so everything that happened - good or bad...
Renaissance Altarpieces
Article by Mark Cartwright

Renaissance Altarpieces

During the Renaissance (1400-1600) just about any artist of worth found themselves commissioned at some point in their careers to produce an altarpiece. Some of the greatest names in European art were so called upon, from Jan van Eyck to...
Nativity of Jesus 
Article by Rebecca Denova

Nativity of Jesus 

The nativity of Jesus of Nazareth is told in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. In Christian theology, the existence of two nativity stories by two different writers provided a prooftext for the historicity of the event. However, the two versions...
The Divinity of Jesus
Article by Rebecca Denova

The Divinity of Jesus

In the decades of the 20s and 30s of the 1st century CE, a Jew from the town of Nazareth in the Galilee began preaching that the God of Israel would soon intervene in history, restoring that nation to God's original plan and glory. From this...
Mesopotamia - The Sumerians
Video by Angels N Demons

Mesopotamia - The Sumerians

Gardens of Babel - The Sumerians La Cinquième 2001