Search Results: Berenice II Euergetis


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Berenice II Euergetis
Definition by Branko van Oppen

Berenice II Euergetis

Berenice II Euergetis (c. 267-221 BCE) was a pre-eminent Hellenistic queen, who ruled together with her husband Ptolemy III (r. 246-221 BCE), when the Ptolemaic kingdom was at the height of its power, dominating most of the eastern Mediterranean...
Arsinoe II Philadelphus
Definition by Branko van Oppen

Arsinoe II Philadelphus

Arsinoe II (l. c. 318/311 - c. 270/268 BCE), daughter of Ptolemy I became one of the most enduring figures of the Lagid or Ptolemaic Dynasty and left an undeniable mark in the historical evidence. She was married three times; first to Alexander...
Berenice II
Image by Mark Cartwright

Berenice II

Berenice II (c. 267-221 BCE), gold decadrachm, Egypt. (Numismatics Museum, Athens)
Coin Portrait of Berenice II
Image by Classical Numismatic Group

Coin Portrait of Berenice II

Silver coin (15-drachm) with the portrait of Berenice II on the obverse; the reverse illustrates an overflowing cornucopia between two wreathed caps with the legend naming Queen Berenice, from Alexandria, c. 246-204 BCE. CNG sale...
Ptolemy II Philadelphus
Definition by Arienne King

Ptolemy II Philadelphus

Ptolemy II Philadelphus ("The Sibling Loving", r. 282-246 BCE) was the second ruler of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. He consolidated the kingdom conquered by his father Ptolemy I and presided over its golden age. Ptolemy II invested heavily in Alexandria...
Ptolemy III & Berenice II, Euergetes Gate
Image by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones

Ptolemy III & Berenice II, Euergetes Gate

Ptolemy III and Berenice II stand before Chonsu (their heads and feet vandalized by Christian iconoclasts) on a relief scene of the Euergetes Gate (Thebes, ca. 240-220 BCE). Photo courtesy of Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones, Cardiff University.
Mosaic Portrait of Berenice II
Image by Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria

Mosaic Portrait of Berenice II

Mosaic with square emblem depicting Berenice II as personification of naval prowess (Thmouis, ca. 245-200 BCE; Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria, inv. 21.739). Photograph by A. Pelle © Centre d’Études Alexandrines/CNRS, courtesy of Jean-Yves...
Wine Vase with Berenice II
Image by J. Paul Getty Museum

Wine Vase with Berenice II

Berenice II (c. 266 - 221 BCE) is represented as Agathe Tyche, the goddess of Good Fortune, on a type of faience wine vase called oinochoe (Alexandria, ca. 245-200 BCE, Getty inv. 96.AI.58).
Ptolemaic Dynasty
Definition by Arienne King

Ptolemaic Dynasty

The Ptolemaic dynasty was a Macedonian royal family that ruled Ptolemaic Egypt from 323 to 30 BCE. It was founded by Ptolemy I, a general and successor of Alexander the Great. They built Alexandria, including the Lighthouse of Alexandria...
Ptolemy I with Berenice I & Ptolemy II with Arsinoe II
Image by British Museum

Ptolemy I with Berenice I & Ptolemy II with Arsinoe II

Gold octodrachm (mnaieion) with the draped and diademed jugate busts of siblings Ptolemy II and Arsinoe II on the reverse; Ptolemy I and Berenice I as their divine parents on the reverse. The legends over the portraits read Adelphōn (“of...