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Definition by Jan van der Crabben


Levant is the name applied widely to the eastern Mediterranean coastal lands of Asia Minor and Phoenicia (modern-day Turkey, Syria, and Lebanon). In a wider sense, the term can be used to encompass the entire coastline from Greece to Egypt...
Herodian Tetrarchy in the Levant,  c. 5 CE
Image by Simeon Netchev

Herodian Tetrarchy in the Levant, c. 5 CE

A map illustrating the geopolitical situation in the Levant after Herod the Great's death (an ambitious ruler appointed as the King of Judea by the Roman Senate in 37 BCE). The Herodian Tetrarchy, established by Herod the Great's will, divided...
Muslim Invasion of the Levant, 634 CE
Image by Mohammad adil

Muslim Invasion of the Levant, 634 CE

A map depicting the Muslim invasion into the Levant, then controlled by the Byzantine Empire, in 634 CE.
Map of the Levant
Image by MapMaster

Map of the Levant

This map shows the place of the Levant (highlighted in red) within the eastern Mediterranean.
Oldest Large-Scale Slab in the Levant
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Oldest Large-Scale Slab in the Levant

This is a stone slab incised with a repeated array of concentric irregular squares. A line of 3 slabs bearing this decoration was found in a wall inside "Structure 2" at Wadi al-Hammeh 27. They were supported by a backing of rubble, with...
Middle Eastern Power Shifts & the Trade of Pepper from East to West
Article by James Hancock

Middle Eastern Power Shifts & the Trade of Pepper from East to West

Pepper has long been the king of spices and for almost 2,000 years dominated world trade. Originating in India, it was known in Greece by the 4th century BCE and was an integral part of the Roman diet by 30 BCE. It remained a force in Europe...
Knights Templar
Definition by Mark Cartwright

Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were established c. 1119 and given papal recognition in 1129. It was a Catholic medieval military order whose members combined martial prowess with a monastic life to defend Christian holy sites and pilgrims in the Middle...
The Levant, 1263 CE
Image by Gabr-el

The Levant, 1263 CE

A map showing the various states of the Levant c. 1263 CE. Light Blue: Mamluk Sultanate Dark Blue: Latin East
Imported Cypriot Pottery Bull to the Levant
Image by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin

Imported Cypriot Pottery Bull to the Levant

During the Late Bronze Age, the trade contacts established with Cyprus in the preceding period were intensified. This type of bull was very popular in the Levant, either as ornaments or perhaps as feeding bottles. Base ring ware. LBI-II...
Map of the Levant circa 830 BCE
Image by Richardprins

Map of the Levant circa 830 BCE

A map of Palestine circa 830 BC, showing the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, as well as the surrounding kingdoms and tribes.